Chad Dunstable's Gryphon Custom

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The Crimson Meteor, EDO ace pilot Lt-commander Chad Dunstable, leads a patrol in his customised Gryphon. In addition to having the MS painted in his own personal colours Dunstable also managed to get hold of an upgraded twin beam cannon for the Gryphon's forearm hard-point. This mecha is a Mobile Suit Variation which I produced for GW-ANE, Chad Dunstable and his red suit did not actually appear in Firefury and Ones' story.

Gundam Wing: A New Era was an epic fanfic written by sisters Firefury and One, set twenty years after the events of the Gundam Wing anime it featured many of the original characters and their children. After seeing some of my work on the internet Firefury contacted me and asked if I would do some pictures for them, I read the story, liked it and agreed to produce some CG models of the GW-ANE mecha. Some of the mecha are re-built versions of the original Mobile Suits from the GW anime, others are original designs by Firefury, One, and myself.

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